+ 371 20112482, info@wjones.lv
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Link to article: https://www.earthhour.org/our-mission Learn why we started and discover why our mission and your actions matter more than ever. History of the Hour Started by WWF and partners as a …
William Jones valodu centrs piedāvā informatīvas jaunumu vēstules par aktuālām valodu apmācības tēmām. Tajās atradīsiet: – spilgtākos fragmentus no valodu instruktoru blogiem; – ekskluzīvus valodu apmācības video; – interesantus faktus …
The typical structure of business language courses is a long-term agreement over at least 4 months where the participants work their way through a pre-defined course curriculum, often based on …
Situation: Our client’s company was recently purchased by a major media conglomerate operating out of Ireland. Overnight, the language requirements for employees and managers changed, as English became the dominant …
Link to article: https://eng.lsm.lv/article/culture/music/happy-birthday-maestro.a388582/ January 12 marks the 86th birthday of arguably Latvia’s greatest-ever musical figure, composer and performer Raimonds Pauls. to BE arguably + adjective = there is enough supporting …
5 lieliski iemesli kādēļ bērniem vērts sākt mācīties svešvalodu pēc iespējas ātrāk AKCENTS: ir izpētīts, ka jo agrākā vecumā bērns sāk apgūt svešvalodu, jo lielāka ir iespēja iemācīties runāt bez …
No Jaunzēlandes uz Rīgu es pārcēlos pirms diviem mēnešiem. Esmu tikko saņēmis savu pastāvīgās uzturēšanās atļauju uz gadu, kas man ļauj dzīvot un strādāt Latvijā! Ar nepacietību gaidu pirmo sniegu …
Situation: A Native Latvian, with a firm understanding of the English language, was recently hired as a copywriter for a FinTech start-up. He needs to provide interesting, grammatically correct, and …
Link to article: https://www.almanac.com/content/ways-canadian-thanksgiving-differs-american-thanksgiving In the United States, Thanksgiving is one of the biggest holidays of the year. But did you know that Canada celebrates Thanksgiving, too? Here are a …