+ 371 20112482, info@wjones.lv
Cēsu iela 31, k-3, Rīga – 9.ieeja, 5.stāvs.
Iepazīstieties ar mūsu Privātuma politiku!
No Jaunzēlandes uz Rīgu es pārcēlos pirms diviem mēnešiem. Esmu tikko saņēmis savu pastāvīgās uzturēšanās atļauju uz gadu, kas man ļauj dzīvot un strādāt Latvijā! Ar nepacietību gaidu pirmo sniegu …
Situation: A Native Latvian, with a firm understanding of the English language, was recently hired as a copywriter for a FinTech start-up. He needs to provide interesting, grammatically correct, and …
Link to article: https://www.almanac.com/content/ways-canadian-thanksgiving-differs-american-thanksgiving In the United States, Thanksgiving is one of the biggest holidays of the year. But did you know that Canada celebrates Thanksgiving, too? Here are a …
Kā mācīties svešvalodu ar prieku Es nesen mācīju savam dēlam braukt ar divriteni. Mūsu pirmajam mēģinājumam es viņu aizvedu uz tukšu auto stāvvietu, turēju viņu pie pleca, lai ļautu viņam …
Here is an article on the IMF’s latest stance on tax reform. To help you understand the article, we have provided you with some key terminology and examples how to …
Situation: Changing careers Our client recently lost her job of 6 years in one of the largest companies in Latvia. She has an interview with another company in that same …
Link to article: https://www.news18.com/news/lifestyle/world-vegan-day-2021-theme-history-and-significance-4386668.html Every year on November 1, the vegan community celebrates World Vegan Day with zeal. Zeal = noun; great enthusiasm and excitement “The children were filled with zeal …
Kā lietderīgi papildināt savu vārdu krājumu, mācoties jaunu valodu? Bieži vārdu krājuma apgūšana ir grūtākā valodas apgūšanas daļa, ņemot vērā motivācijas nepieciešamību, lai to iemācītos. Kopš skolas dienām atceramies …
Situation Our clients Media company was recently purchased by a larger, UK based outlet. Due to his past performance, our client was in line for a promotion that would …