+ 371 20112482, info@wjones.lv
Cēsu iela 31, k-3, Rīga – 9.ieeja, 5.stāvs.
Iepazīstieties ar mūsu Privātuma politiku!
Ziemas sezona ir klāt. Apsarmojusi zeme no rītiem, karsta kafijas tase, ar ko sasildīties, un valodas nodarbības vakaros! Mēs ceram uz baltu ziemu, un ar nepacietību gaidām Ziemassvētku un Jaunā …
Every year on August 14th, World Lizard Day celebrates a specific type of reptile. The day also encourages us to show appreciation for lizards and to learn more about them. …
The Situation: A software, IT, database, and web design company needed to prepare their IT specialists to also be consultants, and communicate with and sell to colleagues and clients in …
William Jones Valodu Centrs is currently looking for a candidate to join our team! Ideal candidates should be optimistic, friendly and proactive, have excellent people skills, and are willing to …
This is an informative article, however, it has some writing and grammar issues. Let’s take a look and learn a little Latvian history in the process! Linked source: https://www.mod.gov.lv/sites/mod/files/document/Lascplesa%20diena_faktu%20lapa_ENG_0.pdf Lāčplēsis …
Nesen izlasīju Josefa Makkomarka grāmatu Brief: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less. Autors jau ievadā piemin faktu, ka cilvēka vidējā uzmanības noturība ir sarukusi no 12 sekundēm 2000. gadā …
In a previous blog post, I highlighted 6 failures in traditional English language training for companies. William Jones has developed their own, unique approach to resolving these prevalent problems – …
William Jones valodu centrā VASARAS DIENAS SKOLA notiks jau ceturto gadu pēc kārtas. Katru reizi esam ieguvuši daudz jaunu draugu, mācījušies, kopā izklaidējušies, devušies ekskursijās, ēduši saldējumus, radoši darbojušies un …
Link to article: https://www.earthhour.org/our-mission Learn why we started and discover why our mission and your actions matter more than ever. History of the Hour Started by WWF and partners as a …